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  • Writer's pictureFalklandsFi

Escaping lockdown while staying at home

I've recently made 2 big discoveries that have helped me keep my head more together.

Like pretty much everyone during these long lockdown days, I have been missing the outside world.

I love to go for long countryside, hillside, seaside walks. To feel the wind on my face, to hear the birds, see the beauty of our amazing planet. To stop and look at a single flower or marvel at a mountain range.

Lockdown hasn't always been good for my head. I learned early on that "if only" isn't a great place to start a thought pattern. Frustration and tears often appear in a futile sentence that begins with "if only".

What can Fi do to escape?

Look up! I have been learning about the sky. The sky over Britain is different from the sky over the Falklands, but it is still amazing. When I was a child I used to watch the windclouds galloping across the sky. We would gaze at the stars on cold clear nights. Hello Orion.

Great news! We have a beautiful sky over Britain too. It's free. I can look at it whenever I want and for as long as I want. Sky gazing is full of surprises and is amazingly cathartic.

Then I discovered art too.

Until now, paintings have caught my attention for a while, I have looked, liked and moved on.

One Saturday, early in April, I discovered that a bunch of art galleries have put their entire collections online for all to browse, at leisure, for free. I am loving it! I can gaze at, enjoy, get lost in a painting for moments, minutes or hours. Can revisit as much as I want. I look at tiny details or step back and enjoy the whole. I can feel calmed by the colours and subject or energised by the artists energy.

One rule = no rules. Fiona isn't going to have anyone telling her how to look at a painting. She isn't biased by how famous the artist is or how valuable the work is.

Icing on the cake: a painting of the sky!

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