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Welcome to Fiona's WarKid blog

PTSD because war messes with your head

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Fireworks, no fear

I'm loving not hating fireworks! Sitting here in the safety and comfort of my home, fireworks going off all around the neighbourhood, ...

Talking about the unspeakable

It's good to talk - right? Over and over again we are encouraged to talk if something is bothering us. "A problem shared is a problem...

Journalling my journey

I write a journal. I have an app on my phone and as thoughts pop into my head I jot them down.  I like writing, always have done ever...

Who is the real Fiona?

I have a superpower - its called dissociation. Some of the things that happened to me, or that I witnessed, were so terrible that my...

Escaping lockdown while staying at home

I've recently made 2 big discoveries that have helped me keep my head more together. Like pretty much everyone during these long lockdown...

Anniversary Success

How are you feeling Fi? We've just passed the 38th anniversary of the aggressive military invasion of my peaceful home. I think we've...


Talking about my Falklands war experiences has given me the strength and courage to face other terrible incidents in my life. #MeToo It...

Filling the empty chair 

Sam: Get thd idea that he is actually in the room with you now. Me: Okaaay ... Sam: Where would he be sitting? Me: Errm, on that chair...

Tattoos and Beer

A few weeks ago I visited a tattoo salon! Tattoos have been a trigger for me for a very long time. They were somehow associated with pain...

Video call or same room? 

Sam and I have never knowingly been in the same room at the same time. Yet we have met, face to face for hours and hours of therapy. We...

Surprised by sadness

( picture: Sorrow by Paul Ruskin) I thought I had this healing from trauma thing sorted. I’ve attended many powerful therapy sessions....

That ain't no poker face 

My early impressions were that Sam has a strong poker face. I've mentioned it in my blogs before. I was very glad that he would sit there...

Surprised by laughter

This week I've been surprised by laughter - from me! Carrying all those bad memories around for decades left me feeling big time gloomy....

I was really, really there

Yesterday, during my therapy session, I had a totally new experience. Over the years, I've been around the block a few times with...

Penguin egg pavlova and empanadas 

Amongst the pondering and processing of the huge issues that are whirling around in my therapy hungover head, I've been disciplining...

Facing Triggers

On the day of the Invasion, 02 April 1982, Falklands Radio did an amazing job of keeping us all informed about how far the Argentines had...

Tiptoeing across a cattle grid

For ages I haven't felt like blogging. Still don't, but writing the words down often gives some order to the muddle in my head. Telling...

Beyond Base Camp

(Photo: National Geographic) Some people make the 11 day trek to Everest base camp at 5,380 m. It is a tough expedition for very fit and...

Feeling totally crap... 

but slowly improving, and learning along the way. Put simply: therapy sessions over the last 2 weeks have uncovered a horrendous incident...

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