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  • Writer's pictureFalklandsFi

Fireworks, no fear

I'm loving not hating fireworks!

Sitting here in the safety and comfort of my home, fireworks going off all around the neighbourhood, I'm as calm as can be.

The war connection with fireworks is obvious. This Falklands warkid experienced hundreds of explosions first hand and very close at hand. I was terrified.

The war left me afraid of many things including fireworks. Until this year, I would jump when they went off. Would need to have the curtains wide open to see what was going on. Would struggle to be outside when they are going off.

Funny thing is Sam and I haven't done a trauma therapy session specifically about the fear of fireworks. We have done many, many sessions covering war incidents. Talking over and over again about my war and looking at it from all angles, it has lost its hold over me.

The war is over and I'm so very glad.

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