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  • Writer's pictureFalklandsFi

Over and Over again 

I heard a story about a World War 2 veteran who healed himself of fairly extreme PTSD by telling his stories over and over again. Today in my therapy session I told this story over and over again. It started out as a frightening memory. Much, much re-telling later I had remembered many more details and, here is the amazing thing, the sting has been taken out of the story. I was taking down the front room blackouts when the Harrier, fully laden with bombs roared into view. Anti Aircraft guns followed its path. Noisy. Frantic. Frightening. Every Argentine in town fired every weapon they could grab. None could catch this speedy target. The Harrier flew fast and low in the direction of the Airport. Meanwhile, with almost catastrophic choreography, directly opposite where I was standing, a large helicopter rose up from behind the Camber. Hung in the sky as it fired two rockets towards Stanley. One hit the police station causing damage, noise and smoke. The other landed in the harbour, narrowly missing both Harrier and Red Cross Ship. The Harrier reached the airport unhindered and dropped its bombs.

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