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Welcome to Fiona's WarKid blog

PTSD because war messes with your head

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Champagne and Oranges

Celebrating successes and learning a few more PTSD survival skills along the way is what I've been motivating myself with recently. ...

Unfinished business 

11 year old me witnessed the very painful, pointless, traumatic and entirely unnecessary death of a soldier. I've been working on this...

It started with a Flashback

The therapy where I tell my stories over and over again seems to be hitting the spot. It is very hard work though! I've had two...


What did it feel like to be a Warkid? 02 April 1982 Argentine military invaded  my beautiful, peaceful Island home. The 70 Royal Marines...

No Problem

It's been a tough 10 days in my head. During my most recent therapy session a particularly nasty memory monster reared its ugly head. Its...

One week later

It has been a week since my big story telling session. That was a heavy day. Next appointment: tomorrow. Seems like a perfect time to...

Over and Over again 

I heard a story about a World War 2 veteran who healed himself of fairly extreme PTSD by telling his stories over and over again. Today...

Coffee & Cake

I'm proud of myself! I blogged the 1st part a few weeks ago. I was walking through a city underpass and a rough sleeper triggered a...


What did it feel like to be a Warkid? Blog 2  In this blog I'm thinking about life in Stanley during the occupation. What it felt like to...

Don't forget the kids.

I've recently been thinking about what happened immediately after the war and in particular how we Stanley children were treated. Stanley...


PTSD + PMS = Bitch Days Chocolate doesn't solve the problem, but each month I check again just incase! Getting through day is hard work...

War Stories are Sore Stories

When they hear I'm from the Falklands, they have one question to ask "were you there during the war" followed by "what was it like?" Like...

Meet WarKid Fiona

This is a blog written under a pen name, the rest is 100% me. I’m a Falkland Islander, facing fifty and getting my head sorted from 74...

Rough sleeper

I didn't see him at first, I was rushing through the underpass to get to my next appointment at the other side of the city. Something...

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